Julia is a Principal Consultant with AQC and joined the company in 2022
Prior to joining AQC, Julia worked for an engineering consultancy where she undertook a range of air quality assessments for power, transportation, and mixed-use development projects both in the UK and internationally. She also has extensive experience of preparing environmental permit applications for medium combustion plant/specified generator sites in accordance with the latest Environment Agency guidance.
Small report commissioned for a project in London. Report completed in good time and had the information required.
Caldwell Consulting
Expert Witness and mitigation measures for air quality impacts in an AQMA.
Redevelopment of a Grade 2* Art Deco hospital into residential apartments.
EIA and a green infrastructure strategy.
For over ten years, Air Quality Consultants has provided air quality support to the developers of one of Europe’s largest regeneration projects located adjacent to Wembley Stadium in London.
© Air Quality Consultants 2025