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Air Quality Consultants has assessed the impacts of dust emissions for over 25 years.

Air Quality Consultants has been a major contributor to the industry standard guidance for the assessment of dusts, based on its considerable experience of assessing dust arising from construction sites, waste management facilities, mineral workings and industrial processes. 

Airborne and deposited dust measurements are carried out both prior to and during operations.  This is to help control exposure to airborne particulate matter, which can affect health, and nuisance dust.

Dust Management Plans are prepared when required. 



Dust Case Studies

Ben Marner compiled the Air Quality chapter for the Broadmoor Hospital ES, which I co-ordinated. He did a thoroughly excellent job and I have recommended him for more work and bids since then. I would have no hesitation in using him again on any ES I was leading, for any type of development.

LDA Design

© Air Quality Consultants 2024