Air Quality
Air quality is the core of Air Quality Consultants’ activities. The company has led the way in monitoring, modelling, assessment and management, as well as carrying out research and preparing guidance for air quality practitioners.
Emissions from a wide range of sources have been modelled, monitored and assessed. Sources include roads, airports, ports, rail, industry, combustion plant and agriculture.
Assessments frequently support planning applications and permitting for a wide range of developments. Monitoring is used when appropriate.
Packages of measures to improve air quality have been developed, and work to support clean air zones has been carried out.
Modelled existing and future air quality using ADMS suite and when appropriate using CFD models.
Responsible for setting up the UKs Urban Air Quality Network of monitoring stations. Set up monitoring stations for wide range of projects. Reviewed monitoring networks.
Assessed the impacts of emissions from roads, airports, ports, mixed use developments, generators, industrial sites, waste sites, energy from waste plant.
Helped Defra develop an exposure reduction strategy for PM2.5, now adopted by the European Union. Responsible for reviewing local authority LAQM reports both for Defra and for the GLA. Prepared numerous air quality Action Plans for local authorities.
Researched factors affecting bias in diffusion tubes, on behalf to the Scottish Government.
Developed the CURED model for road traffic emissions. Prepared a detailed report on PM2.5 sources and concentrations for the UK Environment agencies.
Contributed to guidance used by local authorities for LAQM duties. Contributed to IAQM guidance on Planning and Air Quality. Helped develop the GLA’s requirements for its air quality neutral and air quality positive policies.
Indoor (BREEAM)
Prepared out BREEAM indoor Air Quality Plans for a large number of commercial and residential developments across the UK.
Assessed indoor air quality for offices, using monitoring and advised on mitigation when required. Developed indoor air quality criteria for the South African government.
Expert Witness
Provided expert witness evidence at Public Inquiries and Planning and DCO Hearings, working with many of the top QCs, on behalf of developers and local government. A third of the team have the necessary experience to provide expert witness support.