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Samantha Sarlo


Samantha is a Principal Consultant with AQC and joined the company in 2017

Prior to joining AQC she completed an MChem in Chemistry at the University of York and spent a year undertaking research at the University of Sydney, Australia. She has also gained a year’s experience at BOC Gases Ltd where she worked in the Technical Services department. She has carried out assessments of air quality impacts for a range of projects, including EIA schemes, residential, commercial and mixed-use schemes, energy centres and power generation schemes.  Samantha has also prepared construction dust risk assessments, Air Quality Neutral assessments, local authority Annual Status Reports (ASRs) and odour assessments.  She has carried out numerous passive nitrogen dioxide monitoring surveys, and construction dust monitoring, at sites across Greater London.

Very pleased with the communication aspect of my dealings with AQC.

Dover District Council

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