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Suzanne Hodgson

BSc(Hons) MSc MIEnvSc MIAQM CSci

Suzanne is a Principal Consultant with AQC and joined the company in 2011

Prior to joining AQC, Suzanne worked for Peter Brett Associates where she carried out assessments for new residential and commercial developments, as well as for local authorities. Within AQC she has been responsible for a wide range of air quality projects covering impact assessments for new residential, commercial and industrial developments, local air quality management, ambient air quality monitoring of various pollutants, including data ratification, and the assessment of nuisance odours and construction dust.  She has extensive modelling experience, including the modelling of road traffic, energy centres (including energy from waste) and odour sources, and is familiar with preparing stand-alone air quality reports as well as chapters for inclusion within an Environment Statement.

We have worked with AQC on a number of occasions and have always been pleased with their service.


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