Air quality and greenhouse gas support for planning application and discharge of conditions
Air Quality Consultants Ltd worked with Trium Environmental Consulting to prepare the air quality assessment to support the planning application for the proposed extension to the ExCeL London. The development will provide additional event space, meeting rooms, convention space and improved green space adjacent to the docks. The development will be provided with energy via an existing energy centre, and will generate very little additional road traffic, being served by the Custom House station of the new Elizabeth Line (due for completion in 2022); the impacts on air quality will therefore not be significant.
AQC also provided the Greenhouse Gas Assessment input to the Climate Change chapter of the Environmental Statement.
Planning permission was granted in October 2021; it is anticipated that construction will commence in 2022 and that the extended venue will be operational by the end of 2023.
AQC is currently providing support to discharge the planning conditions, through the preparation of a Construction Monitoring and Mitigation Plan.
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We have worked with AQC on a number of occasions and have always been pleased with their service.
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