York Central is a mixed-use development of approximately 380,000 m2
Gross External Area of floorspace, primarily comprising up to 2,500 homes; 87,500 m2 of office use; 12,000 m2 of retail and leisure uses; a museum; multi-storey car parks; and provision of community uses.
Planning permission was granted in December 2019, subject to the discharge of 83 conditions. Logika Group was appointed to discharge Condition 53, relating to production an emissions mitigation statement setting out measures to reduce emissions from the development.
A strategic approach was developed that considered how mitigation measures could be used to deliver wider benefits, and discharge other conditions, not only related to air quality, but to climate change, flood risk, noise and biodiversity.
The masterplan was revisited, and environmental design principles were set out to reduce peoples’ exposure to air pollution and associated damage costs. After explaining what air pollution is and why it is a problem at York Central, the supporting strategy used robust science to describe the key principles for the use of Green Infrastructure to improve air quality and reduce exposure, for example by increasing distance from sources and manipulating air flows. The strategy provided a series of recommendations, including modifications to proposed street sections and a list of recommended plant species.
York Council accepted the strategic approach and Condition 53 was discharged. Since providing the overarching Emissions Mitigation Statement, Logika has assisted Homes England for a Reserved Matters Application for Public Realm Improvements using the structure set out in the original statement.
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