Read about Air Quality Consultants' latest news and updates.
Second China Visit
Prof. Duncan Laxen joined a delegation of UK experts to help advise the Chinese Government on air quality management …
A New Runway for London
Air Quality Consultants Ltd helped examine the air quality impacts of runway options at Heathrow and Gatwick airports on behalf of the Airports Commission
Results From On-going Customer Survey
Delivering sound, reliable expert advice and a consistently high quality of service is fundamental to everything that Air Quality Consultants does.
New Planning for Air Quality Guidance Launched
New more stringent guidance will be used to assess air quality impacts of new developments
£5 billion Investment in Roads
Air Quality Consultants Ltd is part of the team appointed to a Highways Agency Framework contract to deliver the Agency’s road investment programme
Major Study of Air Quality Effects on Ashdown Forest
Air Quality Consultants Ltd is working with ECUS Ltd on a major study to investigate the impacts of nitrogen deposition at Ashdown Forest ...
Construction Dust Assessments Required in London
The Mayor has published Supplementary Planning Guidance that will require Air Quality and Dust Risk Assessment reports for new developments in London
Health Effects of Air Pollution in Bristol
Air Quality Consultants Ltd has reported on the health effects of air pollution in Bristol
Results From On-going Customer Survey
Delivering sound, reliable expert advice and a consistently high quality of service is fundamental to everything that Air Quality Consultants does.
Air Quality Neutral in London
The Mayor has published Supplementary Planning Guidance that requires evidence to be provided that new developments are air quality neutral.
Presentation to Chinese Visit
Prof. Duncan Laxen gave a presentation to a delegation from Hunan province in China on how the UK tackles air pollution
Now Recruiting
Air Quality Consultants Ltd is now looking for a highly qualified individual to join the company...