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Read about Air Quality Consultants' latest news and updates.

Air Quality Consultants Ltd (AQC) Publishes Report on the Air Quality Benefits of School Streets

AQC has published a report quantifying the air quality benefits of the new School Streets that were installed as part of the Mayor’s Streetspace for London programme.  School Streets restrict vehicle access during drop-off and pick-up times.  The study was commissioned by the Greater London Authority in association with the FIA Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies. 


Defra Appoints Noise Consultants Ltd to Lead Delivery of an Environmental Noise Modelling System

Noise Consultants Ltd has been appointed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to lead the development of a noise modelling system capable of preparing national noise maps.


AQC reviews air quality, health effects and planning policy in London

GLA commissioned AQC to review health effects evidence for air quality and assess how it was reflected in planning policy and guidance in London. The report offers recommendations on how this could be improved to address health inequalities and provide better protection for residents vulnerable to such effects.


AQC and Noise Consultants awarded environmental monitoring contract for new HS2 terminus at London Euston

Air Quality Consultants Ltd and sister company Noise Consultants Ltd have been appointed by Mace Dragados Joint Venture (MDJV) to provide a range of environmental consultancy services associated with the construction of the new landmark HS2 terminus at London Euston.


AQC Updates Analysis of Changes in Pollutant Concentrations Across the UK as a Result of COVID-19

Air Quality Consultants Ltd has updated its analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 social and travel restrictions on air quality.  The lockdown in late March had a dramatic effect on concentrations, with NOx and NO2 concentrations reducing notably at roadside, industrial and urban sites, and roadside O3 concentrations increasing.  At most sites, NOx and NO2 concentrations have remained below pre-lockdown levels since March.  However, a general trend for increasing NOx and NO2 concentrations, and reducing O3 concentrations, at roadside monitors from early July has meant that, by the end of September, concentrations at some sites were close to pre-lockdown levels.


AQC is helping JNCC define de-minimis impacts on ecosystems

Air Quality Consultants Ltd is working in partnership with DTA Ecology to help propose de-minimis levels for risk assessment of air pollutant impacts on ecosystems...


AQC helps JNCC to Predict the future for Nitrogen Deposition in the UK

Air Quality Consultants Ltd formed part of the JNCC ‘Nitrogen Futures’ project team.  The project predicted the rate of change to nitrogen deposition by 2030 and beyond. It showed that rather than through national measures, additional improvements might sensibly be delivered by targeting measures on key areas close to designated sites.

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Air Quality Consultants Ltd leads ‘School Streets’ Air Quality Monitoring Programme

School Streets - a revolutionary Air Quality Monitoring study in London - has launched to the commendation of the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and the Mayor of New York City, Michael R. Bloomberg.


AQC quantifies health effects of emissions from Energy from Waste facilities in London

Air Quality Consultants Ltd has considered the health effects of emissions from Energy from Waste facilities in London in a study commissioned by the Greater London Authority.  Health risks to London residents related to emissions of pollutants such as dioxins and metals are exceedingly low.  Deaths of London residents brought forward by exposure to nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions from Energy from Waste facilities represent a very small fraction of all premature deaths caused by other sources of air pollution in London.


Sophie McCabe, a Flood Risk and Drainage Engineer, has joined Logika Consultants to lead its new Water Management team.

Sophie McCabe, a Flood Risk and Drainage Engineer, has joined Logika Consultants to lead its new Water Management team, which will specialise in providing sustainable flood and drainage solutions, as part of a wider green infrastructure design offer. 


David Tyrer joins the Logika Group of companies as Technical Director of its new Environmental Policy & Economics team

David Tyrer, a Public Policy and Environmental Economist, has joined the Logika Group of companies as Technical Director of its new Environmental Policy & Economics team.


Heathrow Airport: Impact of Covid-19 on noise

AQC's sister company, Noise Consultants Limited (NCL) release video documenting the impact of the Covid-19 on noise at Heathrow Airport.


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