Case Studies Air Quality
Our case studies provide a more detailed account of some of the different projects that we have worked on.
Chelmsford Garden Community
Embedded environmental measures within the design of the outline masterplan scheme.
5 – 8 London Road, Brighton
Provided design advice relating to the introduction of student accommodation in an area of potentially poor air quality.
York Central, Emission Mitigation Statement
An alternative approach to discharging a planning condition relating to air quality damage costs of £3.2 million.
115-123 Houndsditch, City of London
Air Quality Consultants undertook an air quality assessment of a 4 basement and 23 storey office development in Houndsditch, City of London.
Evaluation of 25 Year Environmental Plan
The process impacts, and value-for-money evaluation framework helps to identify what further action is needed to improve the natural environment for the remainder of the plan period.
Cambridge Airport Manufacturing Support Facility
Delivering time and cost savings whilst securing continued regulatory compliance.
Heathbourne Green, Hertsmere
Technical input for the outline planning application for the Intergenerational Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), including up to 1,300 homes and purpose-built care, health, wellbeing and lifestyle facilities adaptable to meet peoples’ changing needs.
Unex, London Borough of Newham
Air Quality Consultants provided air quality design advice; completed an air quality assessment; and undertook a greenhouse gas assessment for a mixed-use, residential led development in the London Borough of Newham.
Albert and Swedish Wharf, Hammersmith and Fulham
Air Quality Consultants provided design advice and air quality and greenhouse gas assessments for a mixed-use, residential led development located above a safeguarded wharf in Fulham.
Runnymede Environmental Protection Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Air Quality Consultants and its sister company Noise Consultants have written, and assisted in consultation events for, an SPD for Runnymede Borough Council on Environmental Protection which covers air quality and noise.
Tasley Gateway , Shropshire
Air Quality Consultants provided support on air quality and odour for a mixed-use development in Shropshire, which included relocation of a cattle market.
RSSB Air Quality Monitoring Network (AQMN)
Air Quality Consultants is running a large nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube monitoring programme, which covers 500+ sites, across 105 railway stations across the UK, on behalf of the Rail Safety & Standards Board (RSSB).
Bath Clean Air Zone
Air Quality Consultants has provided technical air quality support for the Bath Clean Air Zone (CAZ), which was the first to be implemented outside of London.
Residential Development, Watlington
Expert Witness and mitigation measures for air quality impacts in an AQMA.
School Streets
Air Quality Consultants Ltd. (AQC) quantified the air quality benefits of School Streets that were installed as part of the London Mayor’s Streetspace for London programme.
Asia Clean Blue Sky Programme
Support to the Asian Development Bank in developing the Asia Clean Blue Sky Program to scale up investment projects on air quality management in developing member countries.
JNCC Nitrogen Futures
Air Quality Consultants Ltd formed part of the project team which assessed the effectiveness of different approaches to reducing air quality impacts on designated nature conservation sites.
Health Effects due to Emissions from Energy from Waste Plant in London
Air Quality Consultants collaborated with the Institute of Occupational Medicine to provide evidence to the Greater London Authority.
ExCeL London Phase 3
Air quality and greenhouse gas support for planning application and discharge of conditions
Etex Building Performance Expansion
Expert advice and dispersion modelling of impacts of industrial facility on designated conservation sites.
Enfield Quieter Neighbourhoods Scheme
Air Quality Consultants and Noise Consultants carried out air quality and noise modelling of the impacts of a Quieter Neighbourhoods scheme in Enfield.
Cringle Dock Protected Wharf
Air Quality Consultants provided design advice for residential development adjacent to a Waste Transfer Station.
Bore Hill Farm Anaerobic Digestion/Biogas Plant - Air Quality Assessment
Air Quality Consultants Ltd. formed part of the project team, led by Engain, which achieved planning approval in 2010 for the construction of a new Anaerobic Digestion facility outside of Warminster,
London City Airport - City Airport Development Programme
Air Quality Consultants carried out the air quality assessment in support of the City Aviation Development Programme. This included providing expert evidence at the public inquiry. Air Quality Consultants is currently undertaking construction dust monitoring.